Orgulloso de ser Reds

by - agosto 03, 2012


Ahora que hemos llegado a superar  los 750 en Facebook y los 6000 en Twitter, ¿Que os parece para celebrar  dichas cifras proclamar que somos REDS? Se nos ha ocurrido que nos mandéis fotos con un distintivo red (camiseta, bandera, foto, etc..) en vuestras ciudades  y las iremos publicando en nuestro Facebook y pagina. Nos las podéis mandar al correo #RedWorld

Now that we have passed 750 likes on Facebook and 6000 followers on Twitter, how about we celebrate these milestones by showing that we are Reds? We have had a great idea! We would like you to send us photos, showing something red (a shirt, scarf, photo etc), in your respective cities. We will then publish them on Facebook, Twitter and our webpage. You can send all photos to #RedWorld"

Os esperamos

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